Friday 30 October 2015

World Cities Day

Paths will lead to Pune…

There was a time when they said all paths lead to Rome.

It is a mark of a great city that it attracts the very bests from far and wide, and in time, in its own alchemy, evokes unity out of diversity. It has been the dream of every civilization to build such great cities that would stand proud and glorified as eras wash past. 

On the eve of World Cities Day 2015, the UN brings to us this message: Better City, better life; designed to live together. The crux of the message is clear: while planned cities hold the key to the future that the world aspires to claim for itself, rapid and mindless urbanization will not serve us well. 

This is why, all over the world, the demand for futuristic and environmentally sensitive urbanization is increasing. 

In India, too, the impetus is now on the development of futuristic habitats where nature can thrive in unison with urban construction. We must not let the City destroy nature, for nature protects us. 

We know we must put the era of the concrete jungle behind us and move towards a future of greener, cleaner and healthier urban living. 

This World Cities Day, we wish such a future for Pune.